Fresh Green Enterprise | Pasture


Clover Seed - (Balansa)

Botanical name: Trifolium Michelianum
Planting time: May/June
Harvest time: February

Clover Seed - (Persian)

Botanical name: Trifolium Resupinatum
Planting time: July
Harvest time: February/March

Clover Seed - (Sub)

Botanical name: Trifolium Subterraneum ssp.
Planting time: May/June
Harvest time: February/March

Clover Seed - (White)

Botanical name: Trifolium Repens
Planting time: June
Harvest time: February/March

Sorghum - White

Botanical name: Medicago Sativa
Planting time: June
Harvest time: March/April

Vetch Seed - (Common)

Botanical name: Vicia Sativa
Planting time: June
Harvest time: December

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