Fresh Green Enterprise | Vegetable Shortening

Vegetable Shortening

Vegetable Shortening

1Physical characteristics
Physical appearanceSemi solid mass
ColorYellow or light yellow
OdorFree from rancid ,tallowy or other objectionable odor
Melting point (oC)35-45
Foreign matterWith no visually detectable foreign matter
2Chemical characteristics
Free fatty acid0.15 max
Iodine value40-60
Peroxide value (meq/kg)2 max
Saponification value190-195
Moisture and impurities (%)0.25 max
Color (5 ¼ inch cell)Red 3+0.5,yellow =30+5
3Heavy meals
Iron (ppm)0.5 max
Copper (ppm)0.1 max
Lead (ppm)0.1 max
Arsenic (ppm)0.1 max
4Backing test
Moisture (%)5 max
Crust colorGolden brown
Crust textureSmooth
Crumb colorCreamy white
TasteTypical to biscuit
Mouth feelNo residue in mouth
5Shelf life6 months min

1AppearanceYellow to red ,semi solid
Color Lovibond 5¼"3.0 Red, 30 Yellow max
2Chemical characteristics
Free Fatty Acids% (palmitic acid)5max
Moisture & Impurities %0.25max
Iodine Value Wijs'48max
Slip Melting Point24max
Peroxide Value Meq/kg1max
Saponification Value190-205
Smoke point (oF)420min
Fat stability (AOM)(hours25min
Melting point44min
Total plate count 35oC/2D<1000
Escherichia coli MPN0
Yeast 25oC/5D<10
Coliform Count MPN0
Staphylococcus aureus0
Mould 25oC/5D<10

Exclusive supplier of Food and Beverages