Fresh Green Enterprise | RBD Palm Oil

Refined Corn Oil

Refined Corn Oil

  1. Relative density 0.917-0.925
  2. Refractive index (at 40oC) (at 25oC) 1.4650-1.4680 1.4740 1.4700
  3. Humidity and volatile substances (Max) 0.20% at 105 0C
  4. Insoluble impurities including corn seed germ (Max) 0.50%
  5. Saponification value (mg potassium hydroxide / g oil) 187 193
  6. Unsaponifiable matters (g / kg) max 15.0
  7. Soap content (max) 0. 005%
  8. Total acidity as oleic acid (max) 0.3%
  9. Acid value (mg potassium hydroxide / g oil) max 0.6
  10. Peroxide value (ml equivalent active oxygen/ kg oil) max 10.0
  11. Iodine value (Wijs method) 103- 128 Acid %
  12. Caproic acid (C0:6)
  13. None Caprylic acid (C0:8)
  14. None Capric acid (C0:10)
  15. None Lauric acid (C0:10)
  16. None 0.3 Myristic acid (C0:14)
  17. None 0.3 Palmitic acid (C0:16) 8.6 16.5
  18. Palmitoleic acid (C1:16)
  19. None 0.5 Heptadecenoic acid (C0:17)
  20. None 0.1 Heptadecenoic acid (C1:17)
  21. None 0.1 Stearic acid (C0:18)
  22. None 3.3 Oleic acid (C1:18) 20.0-42.2
  23. Linoleic acid (C2:18) 34.0-65.5
  24. Linoleic acid (C3:18) None- 2.0
  25. Arachidic acid (C0:20) 0.3-1.0
  26. Gadoleic acid (C1:20) 0.2-0.6
  27. Eicosadienoic acid (C2:20)
  28. None-0.1 Behenic acid None- 0.5
  29. Bihenic None 0.5
  30. Erucic acid (C1:22)
  31. None 0.3 Docosadienoic (C2:22)
  32. None Lignorceric acid (C0:24) None 0.5 Nev

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